My favorites in the V series are the Mini V, Sem V, Prophet V, Solina V, Stage 73, Jup V( better than Roland cloud version), Jun 6 V( better than Roland cloud version), Sq 80. Pigments puts you in control of 4 powerful sound engine types: Wavetable, Virtual analog, Sample & Granular, and Harmonic. Most are compatible with CPU usage of native reason synths. None of my V series synths are as CPU hungry as Roland cloud synths. Complex wavetable engine with morphing and import.

I would recommend trying the demos in reason. Arturia Pigments 3 Polychromatic Software Synthesizer Features: Combines 2 sound engines in parallel in one powerful, easy-to-use soft synth. As pigments is a more complex synth than most of the stuff it is emulating. The V series synths use less CPU than pigments. Pigments is its own instrument and technically not part of the V-Collection. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the correct. Everything I already has was so much better except I could no longer use Logic. All Software Sales Are Final: There will be NO REFUNDS or EXCHANGES accepted. At that time my husband talked me into getting a PC. At that time almost all of the plugins I use had no M1 support. Mac was switching to the M1 right when I was in need of a new PC. 199 Buy Now Get Free Demo Pigments Overview Details Resources Sound Design Wall of Fame 199 Buy Now Your journey into sound Whatever your starting point, whatever your end goal, Pigments lets you freely enjoy the process of designing sound your own way. Works great in reason and is easy on CPU.Ĭan anyone speak on how V Collection performs in Reason on an M1 system? On my 2015 MBP i7, just 1 instance of Pigments would put Reason in a rear naked choke until it passed out. Pigments Polychrome software synthesizer.